48th Exhibition, Mono PDI
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The Engineer David Collins Wheeler England
Mutual Love Lynda Haney England
Fallow Deer Running Andrew Baxter Wales
Imperial War Museum North Richard Walliker Wales
Sabar Family with Goat Dwiparna Kumar Datta India
Desert Hills Shin Woo Ryu South Korea
Pine Forest 1 Jeongsoo Ko Korea (South)
In the Lamp Cabin Carmel Morris England
Office Block Terence O'Connor England
Levi Michelle Walker England
On Guard Duty Andrew Buckley England
Pending Mobile Jose Maria Martin Spain
Collar Yvonne Crawely Ireland
Two Against Two Aamir Sabzwari England
Silence in Class Peter R Gennard England
Sand, Sea & Sky Ian Gostelow England
Ski Walker Bryan Averill England
In Suspense Sue White England
The Convert Paul Reidy Ireland
Statuesque Paul Reidy Ireland
Limb Quadrants in Tunnel Eion Johnston Scotland
Buffalo at Night Keith Worthington England
Close David Price England
A Modern Approach Rachel Domleo England
Distracted Nigel Byrom Channel Islands
Cambridge Cyclist Richard Walliker Wales
Martina Patricia Margaret Frewin England
Dancing Together 4 Sherman Cheang Macao
Mik 3 Roberto Palladini Italy
Grandfather with Cage Chinmoy Dutta India
Bridge Gerhard Boehm Germany
Flying High Helen Otton England
Family Outing 2 Yin Wong England
Diagonal Stripes Ross McKelvey Northern Ireland
Red Sands Forts Martin Janes England
Supple Jay Hallsworth England
On the Edge Val Brierley England
The Artists Dilemma Oscar Iustin Margarintoni Romania
Confident Abdulla Al-Mushaifri Qatar
Free to Be Me Laurie Campbell Northern Ireland
Misty Sailing 3 Sherman Cheang Macao
A Backhand Return Aamir Sabzwari England
Waiting for the Start Roger Bradshaw England
The Tatoo Andrew Senior England
Street Dance 01 Shin Woo Ryu South Korea
Sevina 10 PINKU DEY India
The Three Lilies Julie Holbeche=maund England
The Biker. Terence O'Connor England
The Pipe Smoker Stephen Hitchen England
Uae Pavilion Terence O'Connor England
Serving the Ball Aamir Sabzwari England
Taking the Bend 2 Plus 2 Bryan Organ England
Leaping for smash Harish Chavda England
Over Together Ray Brammall England
Three People Jeongsoo Ko Korea (South)
Candle on the Stairs JOHN HOLT England
Dark Wall Seamus Byrne Ireland
Unlimited Kenny Andy Polakowski Wales
Power Splash Tom Jones England
The Evacuee Jayne Mapp England
Otter Swimming Roger Creber England
Candlelight Studies Eileen Murray England
Casablanca Girl Paul Reidy Ireland
the laughing man Dean Irvine Northern Ireland
Little Ballerina Michele Campbell Scotland
Ouch! Philip Downie Scotland
Shepherd's Hands Roger Bradshaw England
I Am Here Farzad Reshad England
Focused Andrew Buckley England
Docklands Wave Building Vicki Moritz Australia
Real Bonding Chinmoy Dutta India
Heavenly 7 Roberto Palladini Italy
Making the Leap Aamir Sabzwari England
Dahliah Paul Teclaff England
In the Zone Jackie Worlock England
Guenevere Anita Ashworth Wales
Concrete Jim Van Iterson Netherlands
His Masters Voice Rachel Domleo England
The Wind Roberto Biagi Italy
tuscany morning Robert Kolbrich Austria
Sidecar Duo David Price England
Young Racer Mike Adams England
Ben Youngs Feels the Hit Peter Yendell England
In the Bleak Midwinter Gill Jones Wales
Widow Woman Brian Swinyard England
Roped David Scott Australia
Pursued Bruce Harley Scotland
Miser Lorna Hayton Scotland
Winterrauhreif Gunter Buesching Germany
Agressif Guy B. Samoyault France
Breaking News Mike Sharples England
Push Kick Ka Chon Chiang Macao
High Winds on the Dunes Christine Mallett England
Racing on the Sands Tim Gilbert England
Blizzard Walk John Simpson England
La Foce Guy B. Samoyault France
Nature; Framed Mick Schilling England
Strength Lorraine Hardy England
The Black Hat Ross McKelvey Northern Ireland
Ciaran Jann Wassell England
Girl on a Train Glyn Paton England
A Penny for Them Brian McClure Northern Ireland
Misty Wet Morning Bryan Averill England
Medibank Curves Vicki Moritz Australia
Man and His Dog Ian Mitchell Scotland
Secret Inspiration Andreas L Andreou Cyprus
Suzanna Thomas Pichler Austria
Tudor Admirers Yin Wong England
Ballet Reflections Sue White England
Soldiers Lament Robert Millin England
The Happiest Day of My Life Rosemary Hughes Northern Ireland
Discipline Hagwoo Nam South Korea
Seagul Andreas L Andreou Cyprus
Fuyu Jingru Luo United States
Ban Than 8 Le Chau Dao Vietnam
In Tom's Shed Richard Speirs England
Sweeping Waves Ruth Martin England
Park Life - Cycling Peter Bond England
Aphrodite, Daughter of the Sea Karen Gourlay England
Still Got the Blues Sharon Prenton Jones Wales
The Master David Jellie England
From Yugoslavia Ivan Maksimovic Serbia
Hookhead Lighthouse Daryl Thompson Ireland
Hurdling to Win Ray Brammall England
Uppercut Ka Chon Chiang Macao
Incarcerated Martin Janes England
Bikes by the Wall Christina Ni Dheaghaidh Ireland
Eilean Donan Castle Philip Mallin England
Conny Roberto Palladini Italy
Rain Racer Tom Jones England
Cheeky Chappy Dave Tucker England
Feeling Blue Antonio Carmine Aiello England
Misty Morning Roger Creber England
Down Boy Jennifer Willis Northern Ireland
Owzat! Mary Gillian Fish England
Head To Head Massimiliano Malisan England
Trevose Head Lighthouse John Sykes England
Disputed Candle Veniero Rubboli Italy
Chilko Shake Leah Gray Canada
Stormy Weather. Tony NG England
Fairy Tree Daryl Thompson Ireland
Closed Peter R Gennard England
On the Fiddle Tony Hallam-Cutler England
Wet Flip Steve Field England
Urban Boxes John Simpson England
On Retrieve Andrew Charlesworth England
A Sharp Intake Of Breath Peter Bond England
The Girl Behind the Fan Christine Tidman Wales
Behind Bars
I Love My Teddy Michele Campbell Scotland
Nerka D2 Samir Zahirovic Bosnia and Herzegovina
Church in Blizzard John Simpson England
Lenny's Bears Michelle Walker England
Closing on the Lead Andy Newman England
Speed Merchant Jane Rowbottom England
Hadzabe tribe men before the hunt Sonja Marinsek Italy
Child Labour Rosemary Hughes Northern Ireland
The Doctor David Price England
A Fly on the Window Mike Edwards England
The Alchemist Joan Sheppard England
Night Orc Stephen Hitchen England
Winters Mist for Rowers Carole Zimmerman England
Despair John Scotten England
Korea Band 1 Jeongsoo Ko Korea (South)
In the Groove David Collins Wheeler England
Dancing in a Dream Carol McNiven Young England
Leonella Thomas Pichler Austria
Old Kitchen Veniero Rubboli Italy
The Reggae Booth Charles Ashton England
Free Movement Ivan Maksimovic Serbia
The Devils Minion Saniel Jones England
Man of the World JOHN HOLT England
Sea Horses Karen Gourlay England
In Character John Phillips England
Knots 105 PINKU DEY India
Gost Boom 1 Le Chau Dao Vietnam
Autograss Specials Andy Polakowski Wales
Purulia 125 Sabar Dwiparna Kumar Datta India
New Dandies in Brazzaville Sonja Marinsek Italy
Shall We Dance Ka Chon Chiang Macao
Outside Looking in Lynda Haney England
Jimmy's Ruin. Pam Bennett England
Breakfast at Tiffanys Sue Critchlow England
The Puppet Lorraine Hardy England
Hot Need Watermono 11 Woodpecker Huang Taiwan
Waiting for Salvation JOHN HOLT England
Reflection Thomas Pichler Austria
Tony the Oyster Man 1 Yin Wong England
Tears of a Clown Bruce Harley Scotland
Rough Seas Daryl Thompson Ireland
In the Fog Forest Min Cheol Kim South Korea
Couple 2 Jose Maria Martin Spain
A Night at the Museum Chris Evans Wales
The Princess Joan Sheppard England
Lesley Kerkhove Tony NG England
African Tribal Portrait Chinmoy Dutta India
Issue John Phillips England
Fly Ball Jennifer Willis Northern Ireland
Enjoying the Snow Lorraine Gwilliam Wales
Edward Patricia Margaret Frewin England
Dressed to Impress Paul Hassell England
60S Chic Eileen Murray England
Incoming tide Steetley Piers Richard Broomfield England
Urano and Marta Les Wiggin England
Cecil Brewer Staircase John Phillips England
Remembering the Old Ways Laurie Campbell Northern Ireland
Rabbit Hunters John Sheridan Ireland
The Hat Robin Price England
Artistic Gymnastics at European Championships Glasgow 2018
Disharmony Nigel Byrom Channel Islands
Swimming at Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games featuring Adam Peaty in Heats
Speedway riders Ruth Hayton Scotland
Eco dilemma Sewage v Renewables Richard Broomfield England
The Maths Teacher Roy Peters Wales
Enjoying the Challenge Bryan Averill England
The Bond Mick Schilling England
Suspense 1 Derwood Pamphilon England
Novice Monk 1 Peter McCloskey England
Toby Aston Chris Mowatt England
Varanasi Rickshaw Driver Bruce Harley Scotland
The Bible Reader Mike Edwards England
Climate Activists Antonio Carmine Aiello England
Distant Dreams of Childhood John McVie Scotland
Face Karel Sevcik Czech Republic
Silver Leaves Ross McKelvey Northern Ireland
Me Que Le Chau Dao Vietnam
Trouble Robert Millin England
Grandfathers Pride Paul Hassell England
Rising Tide Ian Gostelow England
Shop Till You Drop_ Chris Evans Wales
Fairy Pools David Scott Australia
Hand Off Tom Jones England
Stormy Sea Aleks Gjika England
Who Goes There Jayne Mapp England
Fun Gurvinder Singh Chhabra India
Time Trial Rider Ralph Pinch Wales
Reminiscence Mick Schilling England
Tough Grind Tom Jones England
Bleak Ivan Maksimovic Serbia
Manhood Paul McKenzie England
Devoutly Worship Buddha Mao Yuan Chen Taiwan
SSSHHH Yvonne Crawely Ireland
Farah Farz 33 Lee Eng Tan Singapore
Icelandic Diamonds Andrew Colgan England
My Dolly Rosemary Hughes Northern Ireland
Minnie Rosemary Hughes Northern Ireland
Turkana people in Kenya Sonja Marinsek Italy
Between Concrete 18 Willem Halbach Netherlands
Harry Elizabeth Edie England
Frozen Fronds Robert Quig Scotland
Village Girl Gurvinder Singh Chhabra India
11 56 Canary Wharf Andrew Charlesworth England
A Jolly Day Out Paul Hassell England
Between the Lines Karen Gourlay England
Tears Before Bedtime Peter Bond England
Type Writer John Sheridan Ireland
A Good Book Les Wiggin England
Single or Double Martin Janes England
Taraxacum Abstract Daisy Bickley England
Old Woman in Her Kitchen John McVie Scotland
One for Sorrow Lynda Haney England
Fountain Girl Colin Douglas England
Hannah and Monkey Yvonne Crawely Ireland